zu „Veranstaltungen”

The Solution-Focused Classroom: Techniques for Collaborative Teaching


This workshop introduces instructors to Solution Focused approaches to and techniques for teaching. Solution Focused Practice (SFP) is a mindset and interaction model that focuses on strengths and resources instead of problems, deficiencies or lack of competencies. Solution Focused Practice treats people as experts of their own lives, goals and needs, offering a wealth of methods for teaching that takes students seriously as experts on their own learning.

By working with students in a resource-oriented way that explores strengths instead of deficiencies and successes instead of failures, you will foster their agency and sense of self-efficacy. Treating students as competent learners will also make your teaching more collaborative – and it might improve your own motivation and self-efficacy along the way.

The workshop will be conducted in English. The workshop material will be made available in both English and German, and I will attempt to arrange group work so that participants can practice in their preferred language.


The participants...

  • become familiar with the premises and mindset of the Solution Focused approach
  • understand how we as teachers co-construct the learning of our students
  • learn how to use the Solution Focused approach to build more collaborative learning environments
  • practice specific techniques

Kursleitung: Katharina Pietsch



Die Anmeldung erfolgt über die Seite des Hochschuldidaktischen Zentrums Sachsen.

Das Angebot wird im Rahmen von Modul 2 im Sächsischen Hochschuldidaktik-Zertifikatsprogamm anerkannt und ist für Lehrende der Universität Leipzig und der weiteren HDS-Mitgliedshochschulen geöffnet.

Weitere Angebote im Rahmen des HDS-Zertifikats finden sie hier.


keine Angabe


Professor:innen, PostDocs, Promovierende, Lehrende


Teaching & supervising, Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Grundlagen der Lehre, Methodenkompetenz, Selbstkompetenz, Sozialkompetenz


Stabsstelle Qualitätsentwicklung in Lehre und Studium

Stabsstelle Qualitätsentwicklung in Lehre und Studium
Ritterstraße 9-13
04109 Leipzig