zu „Veranstaltungen”

New Work meets Academia


Scientists, whether they are in leadership roles or not, face challenging work environments. They need to connect people across different time zones and locations, manage international and diverse teams, and adapt to rapidly changing teams in a world full of change and uncertainty. Trends such as New Work, digitalization, remote leadership, agile leadership, and change leadership are emerging and are crucial for success in a constantly evolving work landscape.
The one-day workshop "Academia meets New Work" empowers scientists to adapt their leadership skills and work methods to meet the demands of the modern working world. You will actively engage in and experiment with agile methods in a dynamic and hands-on atmosphere.
We will focus on the following questions:

  • Change Leadership: How do I guide my team safely through change processes? How do I develop my team to see change as an opportunity?
  • Remote Leadership: How can teams working in different locations and at different times be effectively coordinated? What strategies promote trust, communication, and effective meeting management?
  • Agile Leadership: Which agile methods can improve team dynamics and processes? How can agile principles be applied in the academic context?

In addition to learning about leadership trends, styles, and best practices, you will engage in practical exercises to explore methods relevant to your work environment.


The event is part of the Skills'n'Thrills Competence Days for Postdocs and Junior Professors, taking place from September 30 to October 2, 2024. However, other interested parties are also warmly invited to participate in the workshop and the accompanying program of the Competence Days.


Christelle Linsenmann (Trainerin und Coach)




Establishing yourself: Postdoc workshops, Führung und Projektleitung, Führungskompetenz


Akademische Personalentwicklung

Akademische Personalentwicklung
Ritterstraße 26
04109 Leipzig

Tel.: +49 341 97-35093