zu „Veranstaltungen”

Lunch Lecture "Is doing a postdoc (still) the right thing for me?"


In this interactive lunch lecture, you will learn how to assess your academic profile and identify your skills and strengths after completing your PhD. We will guide you through evaluating whether pursuing a postdoc is the right step for you and provide tools to help you decide if a professorship aligns with your career goals. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain clarity on your professional path and make informed



This Lunch Lecture is part of a monthly information series for postdocs on topics related to career and everyday scientific life. The lunch lectures are organized by the Academic Staff Development Team (Dezernat 1, Leipzig University). After the lunch lecture, there is time for individual networking and exchange for 45 minutes.


Dr. Cathleen Heil (Referentin Akademische Personalentwicklung)


PostDocs, Promovierende


Empowering research, Establishing yourself: Postdoc workshops, Finding your way: Career paths and strategies


Akademische Personalentwicklung

Akademische Personalentwicklung
Ritterstraße 26
04109 Leipzig

Tel.: +49 341 97-35093